I had to work in the morning, and hated every moment. Went home really fast to change my clothes, get the cameras and stuff, and saw Ryan McCarty at Pizza Hut (Agent Rumble) as planned. On the way, I got a call from Charlie Pierce (Randall) saying he was going to stop home and pick up a black jacket to "fit in" with the rest of the TORCHWOOD members (as we all were wearing a black coat/jacket.
5 min turned to... 30 or more, and Ryan spent $2.13 on a small drink at Pizza Hut! Holey crap!
Charlie and his girl came, and we went to The Byron Prison Park (yeah, there is an old prison across from the park), were there is the GAZEBO! Filmed sooo many times there, but this time, this is it.
Yes, afterwards I thought about the close-up shots I forgot about, but we spent about 2 HOURS for just 2 scenes lasting under 1 min each (1 before the intro, and the one after the final credits)! Got both cameras rolling, but the other camera's battery almost died, and can't get the replacement. Did some other shots (while avoiding wasps and giant funky bugs, as well as the heat, the sun, and some breeze (which was goooood).
I was sooo tired, I didn't feel like adding another character to this scene. I know where I'll add this character in at least 2 other scenes though.
Afterwards, back to Pizza Hut, got the Panormous (pepperoni) Pizza (worth it for 4 people), talked about how hard it is to find work, and was tempted to take a picture of Ryan eating the pizza, but he gave me that look (took the shot of him getting the first drink of sweet tea; it was freakin' hot outside, so tiring, but the scene is done)!
I'll have an older scene pieced in with this new one, planning the trip to Chattanooga on Friday, Rock City on Saturday, then one more quick cameo for another friend that I will create another character for him (and in the story sequel). Thinking making him a CIA agent, since I have 2 FBI agents.
Another blog after I come back from TN and N GA!!!!